Post date: Apr 01, 2017 12:29:4 PM
It's that time of year again!
April 7 2017:
Conditions definitely changed since yesterday. Winter came back! Black river water level 69 inches from deck of McCutcheon bridge as of 8:30 am. Roughly an 8 inch rise since last measurement taken yesterday at around 9am (77 inches).
Photo above from spring 2013
MAY 3 2017:
The water levels on the black river made a surprise comeback in the last few days after a significant decrease since the flood watch ended in early April. Water levels peaked at about 69 inches below the deck of McCutcheon bridge on April 7th. A week ago yesterday (May 3rd) water levels had dropped to approx 96 inches below the deck of the bridge. Today water levels are up to 57 inches below the deck which is 12 inches higher than the peak we experienced on April 7th. Significant rain this week caused this 2nd rise and with a very rainy forecast for the next few days, water levels could continue to rise.
April 6 2017:
Black river water level 77 inches from deck of McCutcheon bridge as of 8:30 am. Roughly a 4 inch rise since last measurement taken yesterday at 9am (81 inches). Lots of rain last night and this morning. Things may change more rapidly within the next day or so. All roads currently clear of water. Way too miserable to take lots of pics and video this morning.
APRIL 5 2017:
Black river water level 9am today at low falls Vankoughnet rd and McCutcheon bridge. Used a tape measure to get a baseline measurement of water level to see rate of rise over time. Roughly up 3-4 inches from last night at 9m. current reading 81 inches from Deck (driving surface) to water.
APRIL 4 2017:
Black river water level 7pm tonight at low falls Vankoughnet rd and McCutcheon bridge. Used a tape measure to get a baseline measurement of water level to see rate of rise over time. Roughly 7ft from Deck (driving surface) to water.