New McCutcheon bridge open for business, Old bridge gone forever

Post date: Oct 02, 2014 4:46:25 PM


The New McCutcheon bridge was opened for traffic on Monday September 29th 2014.

An Iconic member of our community, the "old" McCutcheon bridge was decommissioned immediately following the opening of the new bridge. Only a few boulders and bits of foundation remained 3 days later, on Oct. 2 2014, forever changing the landscape of this community.

Parts of the old railings were preserved and there is talk of utilizing them in some decorative fashion, perhaps as an onsite garden backdrop.

We have the Village Square, but this little four way stop has very regularly been the centre of attention, bringing residents together in celebration (The Great Lemonade Race), and concern (our annual spring flood). The Old bridge was a popular subject for photographers, painters, sight seers and Newly weds. This week we did not just lose a means to get from A to B. Many will mourn it's passing, but many others are hopeful that the new bridge will put an end to flooding fears .

We can still focus on the positive memories associated with this old bridge, preserved in countless photos and videos on this website! ;)