Tree of Lights ceremony

Post date: Nov 26, 2012 4:10:34 AM

To All members of the Community

Celebrate the Beginning of Christmas with Advent services on Sunday December 2, 2012 in St. David’s Presbyterian Church at 10:30 am and in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church at 2 pm.

One week later the annual Tree of Lights ceremony will be held in St Stephen’s churchyard, in Vankoughnet on Sunday, December 9 at sundown (approximately 4:45 pm)

AFTER the Tree lighting ceremony there will be a potluck supper at St. David’s. Please bring your own utensils and plates along and your potluck food offering. Need ideas? Hearty casseroles, desserts, or salads of all kinds are welcome! Experience suggests preparation of 12-15 average servings per dish for a potluck offering. Enough to feed your family and also to share!

If you wish to purchase Christmas Tree Lights in memory of a loved one (white) or in honour (blue) you may do so by contacting Joanne Sutton 705-645-9363 email or

Jennifer Milne 705-646-0248 or

Patti Thompson 705-645-0037 Bulbs are $5.00 each. All funds go to Interval House (a shelter for women and children) and Out of the Cold (a co-operative program to feed the hungry). The names of those you chose to remember will be read Christmas Eve during services at St. Stephen’s 4 pm and St. David’s 7:30 pm

In Vankoughnet the Tree of Lights is a tradition and an act of compassion, remembrance and love in a community that cares.