Up Coming Events at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Vankoughnet
Post date: Jul 20, 2012 1:43:23 AM
Sunday, August 5 at 10:00 am we celebrate our patron St. Stephen. Our honoured guest speaker will be Sister Beryl of the Sisters of Saint John the Divine. Join us to hear this lovely woman describe the history of her order of Anglican nuns, and discuss the work at St. John’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto. To learn more visit www.ssjd.ca
Thursday, August 9 at 7 pm Hospice Muskoka serves the emotional and social needs of people of all ages facing life threatening illness. If someone you know is “Dying for Care” or if you wish to learn about bereavement support Sandra Winspear will answer your questions. Light refreshments will be provided. There is no charge for this program. A free will offering will go to Hospice Muskoka. Visit www.hospicemuskoka.com
Saturday, August 11 at 1 pm Carol Peterson shall present Gentle Yoga and Meditation. There is no charge. A free will offering is requested for St. Stephen’s maintenance. A few spaces remain. To register email Jennifer at mondayschild47@bell.net
Sunday, August 19 at 10:00 am Reverend Kelly Baetz of St. Thomas’ shall preach and celebrate.