Ice Pilots written by Michael Vlessides
Post date: Jan 17, 2013 3:0:29 PM
This is the story of the Television program a lot of us are addicted to. Set in Yellowknife, North West Territories, where the temperatre frequently goes to a chilly -40C, this story outlines the birth and continuing growth of Buffalo Airlines. Founded by Joe McBryan, this is a family company, with the leading character of Mickey the son. The author tells the story of the Rampies who do so much of the work to keep the planes running and flying, the mechanics, the office staff, and of course Joe himself. Joe's rough edge keeps everything else purring along.
The airplanes are old WW2 C-46 planes which flew during the war, and have now been redesigned and rebuilt to fly the rugged land North of 60. Because of their age many parts have to be manufactured on site in the Buffalo Hanger.
In winter the planes are used to bring supplies to areas with no roads , in summer many water boomers from Buffalo Airways are sent out to fight forest fires.
The author, one of the late editors of Up Here magazine, spent the better part of a year, living with and working with members of the staff of Buffalo Airways, to better understand why anyone would go that far to fly. What he discovered is that while many young folks may graduate from flight schools there are a limited number of jobs available. So many go to places like Buffalo Airways. Work is hard, very hard, and the temperatures can be brutal, but the chance to fly is the greatest challenge and reward they can find.
This book will be available in our Vankoughnet library soon. Relax and enjoy one of the best reads you will ever have