Guest Speaker and Celebrant at St. Stephen's July 21, 2013
Post date: Jul 07, 2013 2:46:45 AM
Canon Nancekivell is a member of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara. She lives with her husband, a teacher, her 21 year old daughter, and her 91 year old mother in Oakville along with one dog and two cats. Currently, among her other duties, Canon Marni is applying her many gifts to assist the members of the Church of Our Saviour the Redeemer in Stoney Creek while the Incumbent is on medical leave.
Please join us to welcome the Reverend Canon Marni Nancekivell as she returns to her roots at St. Stephen's on Sunday July 21, 2013 at 10 am.
See you at St. Stephen's!
Jennifer Milne
The Reverend Canon Marni Nancekivell, B.A., M.Div.
140 Chalmers Street
Oakville, Ontario L6L 5R8
Home: 905-847-0568
Cell: 905-815-3489 or
(February 2011 to the present)
As the Secretary of Synod, I have a mandate from the Bishop to maintain general oversight of all of the governance processes of the Dioceses of Niagara, its Boards, Committees and Synod Council. It is the Bishop’s wish that I find ways to enrich the gathering of Synod Council to a “gathering of the elders”, which engage more deeply with the issues currently before the church in Niagara.
In May 2013, my portfolio expanded to include oversight of all church construction and development as well as any real estate transactions on behalf of the Diocese of Niagara.
My work as the Diocesan Coordinator for “Safe Church”, which for the balance of my career was done largely on a volunteer basis, was named in 2010 as part of my staff responsibilities. This include primary oversight of all reported cases of sexual misconduct, education of clergy and lay people to prevent such instances, and consultancy work with individual clergy and parishes.
I have also assumed responsibility for the portfolio of the Volunteer Management and Screening process, ensuring that the triennial Diocesan audit of Volunteer Management and Screening has been conducted in a way that upholds the church as a safe and holy place for all. As it has evolved, my work in this area has included policy development to assist the Diocese of Niagara to be compliant with Bill 168 in the Province of Ontario (regarding harassment in the workplace).
In this part of my position, I also work actively with a cross section of Dioceses throughout Canada in an effort to establish a National Safe Church Policy that includes areas not only such as sexual misconduct, but issues of interpersonal violence, as bullying.
Currently, I also coordinate the Fresh Start Programme within the diocese. Fresh Start is a new parish start up programme with separate and joint events for both lay people and clergy. In Fresh Start, we review issues of “new ministry start-up” support the establishment and maintenance of healthy patterns of ministry. Fresh Start is administered through small groups and workshops.
At the Bishop’s invitation I do consultancy work with specific parishes in transition, or parishes requiring special kinds of congregational development or assessment.
In addition to speaking regularly throughout the Diocese, and representing the Bishop on occasion, I am currently working on a long term basis doing Sunday duty and pastoral care with a parish whose priest is on medical leave, which affords me an opportunity to return to my first love, that of being a parish priest.
As of this year, my portfolio has also expanded to embrace property acquisition, sales and new church development.
(April 2005 to February 2011)
As the Director of Transitional Ministry for the Diocese, I worked with clergy and parishes during times of transition. I oversaw the training, appointment and deployment of Interim Clergy in the Diocese. My responsibilities included facilitation of the transitional process with parishes as well as the support of Diocesan Consultants appointed to assist parishes in creating a parish profile.
In addition, I have I served in seven interim situations, located in suburban, rural and urban settings, in congregations ranging from large parishes to small family-sized parishes. When serving as a Parish Interim, I have maintained the basic ministry of a parish priest, in addition to helping the parish through the developmental tasks relevant to a time of transition.
(September 1993 – April 2005)
In the 12 years that I served at St. Aidan’s, I was engaged in the pastoral care of people of all ages.
While I was Incumbent, the parish implemented a successful supplementary worship service for seekers. Our spiritual focus for that distinctive new ministry originated from the Christian Celtic spiritual tradition of St. Aidan. We used a wide range of innovative technology (PowerPoint presentations, music videos in order to reach those who are 21st Century seekers.) This new liturgy was supplementary to more traditional forms of Anglican worship with which I am equally adept.
Together, at St. Aidan’s, we established new areas of ministry, including FUEL, a group for women not traditionally associated with the church, the Parish Prayerlink, a daily Calling and Caring group, a Casserole and Care Committee, a “Meeters and Greeters” group (who extended hospitality especially for visitors and newcomers) and a Pastoral Care Committee to enhance the delivery of pastoral care for those who are shut-in. We also developed a Children’s Area in one transept of the church for our growing number of young families.
Offering a wide-range of Christian Education experiences for people of all ages was key to parish engagement. The range of these programs included Bible studies, book studies, Good Grief Groups, Anglican Studies, Christ in Film Groups, as well as Confirmation classes, Communion Preparation classes and special events for children of the parish. During this time period, the parish served Trinity College (and several individuals) as a place where theological students could intern.
St. Aidan’s, during my time as Incumbent, also undertook an ecumenical outreach ministry in partnership with Kerr Street Ministries to members of the neighbouring community, especially those who were impoverished.
Further, we undertook significant renovations and improvements of the entire physical plant and facility to better equip us for ministry in the community.
(September 1988 - September 1993)
In addition to leadership in worship, visitation and pastoral care, my primary work at All Saints’ was to be an agent of healing in a wounded community that had a history of problematic ordained ministry and resulting alienation from the Diocese.
Noteworthy initiatives include:
a. Initiation of Parish Bible Study programme
b. Eradication of $28,000 Parish Debt within a three year period
c. Initiation of parish newsletter
d. Development of a system of enhanced tracking of membership roster and attendance.
e. Foundation of a parish youth group
· Board of Fresh Start Canada.
· Currently member of Executive Staff of the Diocese of Niagara
· Regular enhanced training with the Interim Ministry Network, which provides me with “best practise” models for parish ministry.
· This past three years, I coordinated the Diocesan Clergy and Licensed Lay Workers Conference.
· Past member of:
o Provincial Synod
o Canterbury Hills Board
o Diocesan Doctrine and Worship Committee
o Diocesan Programme Committee
o Past Assessor at ACPO
I regularly attend continuing education seminars and workshops to develop my professional skills.
Certificate of Healthy Boundaries, Faith Trust Institute, Seattle, Washington, July-September 2012
Certificate as an Interim Pastor, Interim Ministry Network, April to October 2005
Fresh Start Training, Atlanta Georgia, April 2005
· Currently serve as a Fresh Start trainer for Fresh Start Canada
Trinity College, University of Toronto, M.Div.
University of Toronto, B. A.
More recently Canon Marni has preached at St. Stephen's during the tenure of the Reverend Lynne Uzans.
Canon Marni recounts how many years ago her father joined a work party to help replace the "old" deteriorating floor with tiles (to reduce maintenance). This of course was prior to the installation of St. Stephen's current handsome wooden floor. One wonders how many floors (and roofs) this little church has had over its 122 year life?
Marni's grandparents and her Mother began visiting Wood lake when Caribou Lodge was evolving from a hunting lodge into a family resort. Marni's daughter Amanda is now the fourth generation of her family to holiday at Wood Lake.
Canon Marni attended St. Stephen's as a youngster with her parents while holidaying at Caribou Lodge on Wood Lake. As a lifelong visitor to Wood Lake Marni now visits each summer with her elderly Mother. She recalls services with Father Norman Thornton of the SSJE (Society of Saint John the Evangelist) and other Cowley Fathers.
We hope you will join us at St. Stephen's on July 21 at 10 am when we welcome the Reverend Canon Marni Nancekivell as guest speaker and Celebrant.
Above see a recent photograph provided by Canon Nancekivell as well as her curriculum vitae, please have a look- it is very interesting.